How can you manage multiple organizations and conferences at the same time?
While holding Executive roles with multiple organizations – even in some cases organizations that compete for the same conference attendees, publishable research, etc. – may seem like a bit of a oddity, it in fact benefits all involved.
Reason being is economies of time, scope, and scale. Given that I work with academic not-for-profit member-based organizations, what works for one organization ultimately works for the operations in all organizations. This allows the organizations to benefit collectively from the success of one another. A simple example would be the use of a particular software. Rather than each one single organization requiring such software, all organizations can share in the price of the single license. Likewise when beneficial website updates or bulk purchases for conference needs come around. The need of one organization is often the same need as all organizations. Another example is in regard to conference hotel contracts — handling many conferences at once enables me to track and establish beneficial locales to send conferences to, or to negotiate multiple contracts at once creating negotiating leverage to the benefit of each group.
We’re all not-for-profits looking to successfully fulfill our respective organization’s missions. It is far more effective to do such through this communal approach utilizing UpScholar as the conduit than as individual entities.