Executive Management services is a scenario where I come in as an Executive Director / CEO / Executive Consultant (the title matters not) to streamline and professionalize all operation behind the scene, maintain not-for-profit, incorporation, and bylaw compliance, to generate greater margins on the organization’s bottom line, and to work alongside the Board of Directors to efficiently and productively execute on the mission and vision set forth by the organization.
Conference Management is just that – I provide beginning to end services on the conference, but do not provide executive insights or expertise into general operating matters. Such responsibilities remain entirely with the Board of Directors outside of conference operations.
Typically, yes. Most organizations bring me in for Executive Management which ultimately provides the ‘whole package’ of services. It is a 24/7 year round dedication to making sure your organization achieves everything it desires to through both general and conference operations.
Executive Management can be separated from Conference Management, but it is not recommended.
Absolutely. Many organizations have had to consider a shift to virtual conferences in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that began in January 2020. The shift from a physical conference to a virtual one may seem daunting, but it can indeed be accomplished and done well using familiar tools to most virtual presenters and attendees. A quick shift to a virtual conference can mitigate damages of lost revenues from your typical physical conference while also maintaining your position (of even expanding upon it) in your field.
Executive Management services are inherently higher than conference management services alone since it often includes such in the ‘package.’ Ultimately, the cost of services is dependent on the size and scope of the organization’s operations in both the present and future. I do my best to work with each organization's respective budgets as my ultimate goal is to see you thrive.
- Executive Director – International Association for Conflict Management
- Executive Operations Director – Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
- Conference Manager & Executive Consultant – Eastern Academy of Management International
Amongst those organizations I put on two domestic (USA) conferences, three international conferences, oversee and consult on three academic journals, and provide services to over 1,500 members. This is along with the standard marketing, web design, mobile app design, financial and accounting support, and other services that come with my presence in an Executive Management role. There are numerous other organizations I work with in a variety of executive and consulting relationships. Each organization benefits time economies of scale and time.
While holding Executive roles with multiple organizations – even in some cases organizations that might seem to 'compete' for the same conference attendees, journal manuscript submissions, etc. – may seem like a bit of a oddity, it in fact benefits all involved.
Reason being is economies of time, scope, and scale. Given that I work with academic not-for-profit member-based organizations, what works for one organization ultimately works for the operations in all organizations. This allows the organizations to benefit collectively from the success of one another. A simple example would be the use of a particular software. Rather than each one single organization requiring such software, all organizations can share in the price of the single license. Likewise when beneficial website updates or bulk purchases for conference needs come around. The need of one organization is often the same need as all organizations. Another example is in regard to conference hotel contracts — handling many conferences at once enables me to track and establish beneficial locales to send conferences to, or to negotiate multiple contracts at once creating negotiating leverage to the benefit of each group.
I also become a single consistent point of contact that individuals know they can reach out to across multiple organizations. Often times, my existence in one organization leads to a 'cross pollination' into another, thus what may have began as one member in one organization ends up being one member now a part of three, four, or five organizations.
We’re all not-for-profits looking to successfully fulfill our respective organization’s missions. It is far more effective to do such through this communal approach utilizing UpScholar as the conduit than as individual entities.
Want to Chat About Your Organization's Needs?
Contact Brandon Taylor Charpied to discuss your organization so we can determine what paths are available moving forward. Even if you simply have a question on how to proceed on your own, I am more than happy to provide advice so you can continue forward in satisfying your mission.
Thanks for your message! We’ll be in touch soon.