Tenure Track Job Negotiation
The Dean of a College of Business that you applied for a tenure track position in has asked to speak to you. This institution is AACSB accredited and in a location that you find attractive. Your interviews with the search committee and department chair have gone well. You get the feeling that your teaching philosophy and research preferences are generally aligned.
That said, there are two other institutions that you also feel quite confident in. You've not yet heard back from them yet as their search process is about two weeks behind this one. Your instinct tells you that each of those two institutions are willing to pay slightly higher than this one, so the question is really how far you want to push is Dean's limits in this negotiation? You don't really have any idea whether you're the sole candidate for this position or whether there are suitable fall backs, so you'll have to feel this out as you go.
While the "Dean AI" is coded to operate within the parameters of the Dean's role, you will notice a green chat icon on the lower right of the screen. Click that icon to bring up TenureBot, a GPT assistant that can provide information, insight, and guidance on any number of topics you may inquire about during this negotiation.
Good luck!